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Below is a collection of opportunities external to the AOE (some are internal to UNC) that our members have collected and submitted. We welcome any and all submissions. Please email them to

Funder Grant Name Deadline Description Amount Special Instructions
Carolina Women’s Center Faculty Scholars Program March The grants support scholarly, engaged, or creative research on topics related to women, sex, gender equity, and/or all intersections of gender. 3 grants of $10,000 each Applicants should have aminimumof three years of service at UNC by the start of the grant in any department, center, or school of the University. Applicants must have an endorsement from their chair, director, or dean that describes how the project will contribute to the applicant’s career development.
UNC Office of the Provost Junior Faculty Development Awards November For untenured assistant or associate professors looking for support for a research or scholarly project $10,000 Any permanent, full-time, salaried member of the faculty without tenure who holds the rank of assistant professor or associate professor is eligible to apply. Research assistant and associate professors, and clinical assistant and associate professors may also apply.
(AMEE) Association for Medical Education in Europe Research Grant Awards Varies Promotes scholarship in health care professions education to advance knowledge and best practices in education as well as to build a community of scholars working in the field up to $10,000 pounds only open to current paid AMEE Individual and Student Members
AAMC (Association of American Medical Colleges) Group on Educational Affairs Varies Advances medical education and medical educators through faculty development, curriculum development, educational research, and assessment in undergraduate, graduate, and continuing medical education varies
AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality) Varies Varies 1. Research to improve health care patient safety. 2. Harnessing data and technology to improve health care quality and patient outcomes and to provide a 360-degree view of the patient. 3. Research to increase accessibility and affordability of health care by examining innovative market approaches to care delivery and financing. Varies Link to page with Funding Opportunity Announcements
AMA 2018 Accelerating Change in Medical Education Innovation Grants Program May Innovations in the curriculum, faculty development, or new assessment tools especially as it relates to health systems science curriculum development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination. Coaching in medical education. The learning environment. Learner well-being $10,000 small group, $30,000 larger projects over one year 通过Qualtrics AMA成员提交的,抽象的for the ChangeMedEd Annual fall meeting, preference given to Consortium members
American Honda Foundation Grants Feb., May, Aug., Nov. Intended to help meet the needs of American society in the areas of youth and scientific education by awarding grants to nonprofits, while strategically assisting communities in deriving long-term benefits. The Foundation engages in grant making that reflects the basic tenets, beliefs and philosophies of Honda companies, which are characterized by the following qualities: imaginative, creative, youthful, forward-thinking, scientific, humanistic and innovative. The Foundation supports youth education with a specific focus on the STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects in addition to the environment. $20,000 – $75,000 OHSU is only allowed to submit one application every 12 months. This opportunity requires internal coordination because OHSU may only submit a limited number of applications. Find this funding opportunity on the Competitive Application Portal (CAP) and apply by the internal deadline. Learn more about the OHSU Limited Submission process.
APGO (Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics Medical Education Endowment Fund June Innovations in Health Systems Science including development, implementation, evaluation and/or dissemination of Health Systems Science curricula including value-based care, patient safety, quality improvement, social determinants of health, population health, public policy, informatics, teamwork, leadership, change management, or systems thinking. Alternative metrics for medical student evaluation which can be used in screening and evaluation of ob-gyn residency applications. These can include but are not limited to assessments in student qualities such as sound judgment and decision-making, strong work ethic, problem solving skills, self-awareness and assessments of Health Systems Science competency domains. $15,000 All principal/lead investigators must hold an active individual membership in the Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
DOE (Department of Education) Education Research LOI: June

Deadline: August

increased access to and opportunity for postsecondary education. NCER research examines the effectiveness of educational programs, practices, and policies, including the application of technology to instruction and assessment. The goal of NCER research programs is to provide scientific evidence of what works, for whom, and under what conditions. Varies
FAER (Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research) Research in Education Grant August & February advances the careers and knowledge of anesthesiologists interested in improving the concepts, methods and techniques of education in anesthesiology. The REG is focused on developing innovative approaches for anesthesia education. The REG is a two-year $100,000 primary investigator (no co-investigators) award that provides funding to anesthesiologists who have completed their clinical anesthesia training and have academic faculty appointments. It is available to faculty members of all ranks. Years one and two are funded up to $50,000 each. The REG requires 40 percent research time. 2-year $100,0000 40% research time Eligibility: Be a graduate physician with an unexpired, permanent, unconditional and unrestricted license to practice medicine or
osteopathy in at least one state or jurisdiction of the United States.*
• Be a graduate of an ACGME-accredited anesthesiology residency program.*
• Be certified by the American Board of Anesthesiology or in the examination system.*
• Be an active member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA).
Fogerty International Center Medical Education Partnership Initiative (MEPI) No plans to recompete at this time Supports global health research, building partnerships between health research institutions in the United States and abroad, and training the next generation of scientists to address global health needs Varies Supports medical Education activities in subsaharan Africa
Foundation Directory Online Database Varies Provides a comprehensive database for finding foundation support. Includes records for 100,000 grant makers and over 500,000 grants. Updated weekly. Varies (requires institutional or individual subscription)
Friends of Doernbecher Friends of Doernbecher Grant Program February pediatric-related research project or any program that impacts children’s health; …research or develop projects and programs at the hospital. In many cases, these grants provide the initial, seed-stage funding that can get a project underway and provide a platform and track record to assist in securing longer-term grants from the National Institutes of Health or other sources. up to $175,000 Avg. $20,000 – $75,000 Please work with your pre-award analyst to determine if your project requires IRB/IACUC approval. Note: Projects do not require IRB/IACUC approval at the time of submission. However, funding for projects that require an IRB/IACUC protocol may be delayed pending approval.
Gold Foundation Literature Review Grants June rigorous reviews on topics related to humanism in healthcare. 5000/ eligible for Advocacy Grant Awarded to teams. Example: Advancing humanism in anesthesiology: A meta-analysis and systematic review Database Varies Provides a centralized location for federal funding opportunities. Contains information on over 1,000 grant programs. This resource centralizes funding announcements that are difficult to find in individual agencies. Varies searchable
Health Resources and Services Admin Varies Provides grants to improve and expand health care services for underserved people Varies Focus on Primary Care training and enhancement and addressing areas of shortage.
HRSA (Health Resources & Services Administration Varies Varies Health Workforce Training Programs for colleges, universities and other accredited health professions training programs Varies Bureau of Health Workforce
IAMSE IAMSE Educational Scholarship Grants and Curriculum Innovation Grants Varies Grants to encourage and support scholarship in medical science education $5000
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation Board Grants LOI – Invite to submit full proposal Interprofessional Education and Teamwork. New Curriculum Content. New Models for Clinical Education. Career Development in Health Professions Education. ~$400,000 OHSU awarded grant for PACER in 2015
Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation President’s Grants Anytime Interprofessional Education and Teamwork. New Curriculum Content. New Models for Clinical Education. Career Development in Health Professions Education. max. $35,000
流明基金会 Lumina Fund for Racial Justice and Equity No plans to recompete at this time Many higher education leaders are working hard to close equity gaps in hopes of expanding access and opportunity through postsecondary attainment. The grants described here will provide support to institutions that are addressing equity directly and substantively, catalyzing existing work and deepening impact. Up to 50k The one-time investment of up to $1 million will be used to support colleges and universities that are working to improve their campus climates by providing opportunities for constructive racial dialogue.
流明基金会 Unsolicited inquiries Year-round How does the work accelerate progress on Lumina’s overarching goal (by 2025, 60 percent of the population in the United States will hold a high-quality postsecondary degree or credential)? Varies Most grant money is given out through solicited partnerships
NBME (National Board of Medical Examiners) Stemmler Fund LOI – July support for research or development of innovative assessment approaches that will enhance the evaluation of those preparing to, or continuing to, practice medicine. up to $150,000 up to 2 years medical schools accredited by the LCME and the AOA.
NIH (National Institutes of Health) Varies Supports a wide range of biomedical and clinical (and sometimes educational) research through various institutes Varies
NIH T32 Training Program for Institutions that promote Diversity Varies enhance the participation of individuals from nationally underrepresented backgrounds in cardiovascular, pulmonary, hematologic and sleep disorders research across the career development continuum by providing support to institutions that promote diversity. Varies
NIH Maxmizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Open: November

Due: March

focus on skills development, rigor and reproducibility, the responsible and safe conduct of research, and promote inclusive research environments;
use evidence-based, innovative educational practices;
promote cohort-building activities and interventions that enhance the trainees’ science identity and self-efficacy;
provide individualized mentoring and oversight throughout the trainees’ undergraduate career
introduce trainees to a variety of scientific research areas and career trajectories;
encourage Program Director/Principal Investigator teams to broaden program leadership and provide complementary expertise;
display coordinated interactions and synergies with other NIGMS-funded training programs at the institution; and
improve long-term tracking and posting of program trainee outcomes.
TBD 每个机构都将有资格获得diversit之一y-focused undergraduate program (either MARC or U-RISE) and one diversity-focused graduate program (either IMSD or G-RISE).
NIH Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Open: November

Due: February

developing a diverse pool of biomedical scientists through a variety of institutional training and student development programs. TBD 将当前IMSD研究教育总结m into an IMSD training program that supports predoctoral training at Research-Intensive institutions.
NSF ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and engineering Careers LOI: December

Proposal: April

All projects are expected to build on prior ADVANCE work and gender equity research and literature to broaden the implementation of organizational and systemic strategies to foster gender equity in STEM academic careers. 18-26 awards for a total of $22,200,000 over 2 years Institutional Transformation (IT) track supports the development of innovative organizational change strategies to produce comprehensive change within one non-profit two-year or four-year academic institution; Adaptation track supports the adaptation and implementation of evidence-based organizational change strategies, ideally from among those developed and implemented by ADVANCE projects.; Partnership track will support partnerships of two or more non-profit academic institutions and/or STEM organizations to increase gender equity in STEM academics.
Pivot Database Varies Provides access to funding opportunities globally. It is not limited to educational research. varies (requires institutional or individual subscription)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Pioneering Ideas Brief Proposal Varies Challenge assumptions or long-held cultural practices. Take an existing idea and give it a new spin—or a novel application. Offer a new take or perspective on a long-running, perplexing problem. Apply cutting-edge ideas from other fields to health. Explore the potential for emerging trends to impact our ability to build a Culture of Health. Invitation to submit full proposal links to our Pioneering Ideas Podcast, How We Work Discovering New Ideas and What’s Next Health: Conversations with Pioneers videos and blogs.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grants and Grant Program (CFP) Varies Health Systems; Healthy Children, Healthy Weight; Healthy Communities: Health Leadership 3k-23 million over varying periods of time Fosters environments that promote health and on improving how health care in America is delivered and paid for, and how well it does for patients and their families
SACME Phil R. Manning Research Award in Continuing Medical Education December original, scientific research related to physician and/or health professionals lifelong learning. $50,000 over two years Opportunities for research funding are one of the benefits of SACME membership. The finished work must be appropriate for publication in a health professions education journal (e.g. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, Academic Medicine) or equivalent peer reviewed journal, as well as for presentation at a future SACME Annual Meeting (Phil R. Manning Research Award Plenary) or CPD World Congress.
SDRME (Society of Directors of Research in Medical Education) Sponsored Scholarship September research review paper proposals that will make a substantial contribution to advancing practice, theory or research in medical education. $5,000 examples of proposals, budget justication, and work in progress available
Society of Education in Anesthesia SEAD Grant Phase 1 begins December 1st The purpose of the grant is to inspire and assist aspiring faculty who have no previous funding to start an educational research project. $10,000
Spencer Foundation Small Research Grants/Conference Grants Program/Lyle Spencer Research Awards Small Grants – November
Conference Grants – September Lyle Awards – October
Supports high-quality investigation of education through its research programs and strengthening and renewing the educational research community through its fellowship and training programs and related activities Grants of up to 1 million, varying time The following requests fall outside of the Spencer Foundation’s funding guidelines:
Curriculum development
Program development and implementation
Program/curriculum evaluation
Professional development programs
SPIN (Sponsored Programs Information Network) Database Varies Primarily targets institutions of higher education and currently contains information from more than 2,500 different sponsors. Varies (requires institutional or individual subscription)
Stemmler Fund Varies 支持你search or development of innovative assessment approaches that will enhance the evaluation of those preparing to, or continuing to, practice medicine $90,000 – $150,000
泰利福 泰利福Medical Education Grant 12 weeks prior to event Geared towards Event support: must include: 1) Needs assessment that clearly defines the unmet educational need or gap the activity will address. 2. Learning Objectives for the program/event that will help close the gap(s) identified in the Needs Assessment N/A 泰利福provides cash or in-kind support for accredited medical educational programs or events which promote genuine scientific or educational discourse.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Varies Funds research on the health care of U.S. military veterans, including quality assurance and improvement innovations Varies
United States Agency for International Development Varies Partners with a variety of organizations to support and implement a wide range of development programs around the world Varies Search site for partnership opportunities
Group on Education Affairs Medical Education Scholarship Research and Evaluation February The GEA seeks to fund research projects that address important problems or questions in medical education. $20,000 for two or more proposals Proposals that foster collaboration are strongly encouraged.