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Associate Professor, Department of Population Health and Pathobiology, North Carolina State University

Research Summary

Cristina Lanzas conducts research that focuses on the epidemiology and ecology of enteric and antimicrobial resistant pathogens in animal and human populations. She combines data, epidemiological analysis and mathematical and computational approaches to study transmission mechanisms. For the last 10 years, one of the focus areas has been the transmission and control ofClostridioides difficile. She has developed multiple mathematical and computational models to address different aspects ofC. difficiledynamics at the epidemiological and within host level. In addition, her lab is leading the use of novel technologies such as real-time location systems to generate new understanding of how enteric pathogens can be transmitted both by direct contact as well as through the environment. Her research group has also applied quantitative methods used in infectious disease epidemiology to better characterize transmission and ecology of enteric pathogens and antimicrobial resistant pathogens. Using such approaches, they have provided assessments for new interventions for controlling pathogens in hospitals, the food chain and national level interventions for mitigation of antimicrobial resistance.

Relevance of Research to CGIBD Mission:Cristina Lanzas has been involved in epidemiologic and mathematical modeling approaches to study transmission mechanisms of enteric pathogens. Her research has primarily focused onC. difficile.

CGIBD Focus Area(s):Microbiome


cristina lanzas