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Ramiro Diz, Ph.D.Director Core Administration(919) 966-7812Dr. Diz has a great deal of experience in flow cytometry. He completed his Ph.D. and Postdoctoral training at UNC before another post doc at Texas A&M. Most recently he worked as a flow cytometry specialist for ThermoFisher Scientific serving as a senior consultant for new product development. Ramiro will be overseeing operations in the core as well as new equipment evaluation and implementation.

Janet Dow, M.S., SCYM(ASCP)CM*, Research SpecialistJanet oversees BSL2 cell sorting on the FACSAria II. She operates the LSR II/LSRFortessa, iQue Screener PLUS, Attune NxT, ImageStreamX, MoFlo XDP and Aria III . She trains clients in the usage of the LSRII/LSRFortessa, iQue Screener PLUS, Attune NxT, ImageStreamX and Aria III.主要接触计费问题。
(919) 966-1530

Avinash Kollipara, Ph.D.Dr. Kollipara is a panel design expert and will be helping with core applications including cell sorting on a part time basis in addition to his research in the immune response to Clamidyia. Dr. Kollipara is available for BSL1 and BSL2 cell sorting.

Ayrianna WoodyAyrianna joined the core in October 2019. She is available for cell sorting on the Aria III/II and MoFlo XDP as well as analysis on the Attune NxT and LSRII/Fortessa. She trains clients in the usage of the Attune NxT.(919) 966-1530

Marie Iannone, M.S., Senior Research ScientistDirector, LCCC Mass Cytometry Facility, Oversees Helios CyTOF operation.
(919) 445-2745

Theresa Duffy, B.S., Accounting Technician II(919) 966-3910

* Note:‘SCYM(ASCP)CM’ denotes Specialist in Cytometry by the American Society for Clinical Pathology.