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The FlowCore houses 2 computers for data analysis: a PC and a Mac. To analyze your data on these computers, simply reserve time iniLab.

The PC has the following software:

FlowJo X.0.7– Comprehensive flow cytometry data analysis program.

FCS Express 7– Comprehensive flow cytometry data analysis program.

ModFit LT 4.1.7– DNA content/cell cycle analysis software with AutoDebris, AutoAggregates, and AutoLinearity.

Summit 5.2– Analysis software for MoFlo data.

Summit 4.4– Analysis software for CyAn ADP data. It will only analyze CyAn ADP FCS.

IDEAS 6.2– Imaging analysis software for Amnis ImageStreamX data.

ForeCyt 6.1– Analysis software for iQue Screener PLUS data.

The Mac has the following software:

FlowJo 9.8.5– Comprehensive flow cytometry data analysis program.

Located in Marsico Building – RoomB018