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Match Results Are Live!

Get Excited! It’s Match Day

#UNCSOMMatch 2022 Match Results!

Class of 2022, are you ready?

Your moment is near. Your time to shine. The culmination of hard work and sacrifice that has brought you here. No matter where you go. No matter what you do. This is your chance to change the world; one patient at a time. Are you ready? It’s almost time to match!

Warm Messages

A congratulatory message from Dr. Wesley Burks, Dean of the UNC School of Medicine

A congratulatory message from Dr. Cristy Page, Executive Dean of the UNC School of Medicine

发来贺电和马tch Day stats from Drs. Georgette Dent, Associate Dean for Student Affairs

A congratulatory message from Drs. Chuang and Steiner, Johanna Foster, Jana Nietmann, and messages from the Asheville Campus, Charlotte Campus, and Wilmington Campus