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Our teamlooks forward to helping you in electron microscopy, light microscopy, and image analysis, using theequipment in our core.

Electron microscopy

Scanning electron microscopy of a neuron
Scanning electron microscopy of a neuron (Nick Boyer – Gupton lab)
  • We willconsultwith you about your project
  • We canprepare your samples
  • We cantake imagesfor you
  • We cantrain youto take images
Services include SEM prep, embedding, ultrathin sections, negative staining and immunoEM.
Transmission and scanning electron microscopy available.

Light microscopy

Light-sheet microscopy of nerves in mouse embryo
在小鼠胚胎神经纸张显微镜(MSL staff)
  • We willconsultwith you about your project
  • We canadviseon experimental design and sample preparation
  • We willtrain youto take images
Confocal, light-sheet, widefield fluorescence, darkfield, polarization microscopy available. Tiling, multi-day live-cell experiments, FRAP, FRET, spectral imaging and more.

Image analysis

Deconvolution and 3D analysis of puncta in nuclei
Deconvolution and 3D analysis of puncta in nuclei (Anastasia Zlatanou – Vaziri lab)
  • We canadviseandtrain youto do image processing and data analysis
Imaris (3D analysis), Autoquant (deconvolution) and FIJI (mostly 2D analysis, macros) software available.