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UNC Gynecologic Oncology takes a multidisciplinary approach to the care of women with pre-invasive (benign and in-situ) and invasive (malignant) gynecologic cancers. Our team includes the physicians and nurses from the gynecologic oncology service as well as radiation oncology and surgical pathology. Social services, psychiatry, pastoral services and other ancillary personnel provide support not only to our patients but also to their family members.

The Division is part of theUNC Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Centerthat is one of only 40 National Cancer Institute designated Comprehensive Cancer Centers.

你可以找到我们of our four locations:

Chapel Hill
N.C. Women’s Hosp.
9 8 4 – 9 7 4 – 7 8 2 2
9 1 9 – 7 8 4 – 6 8 7 5
(Physician Referral)
3 3 6 – 8 3 2 – 1 8 9 5
9 1 9 – 7 8 4 – 3 1 0 5