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Internal pilot and other grant funding deadlines

Pilot Funding Opportunities

Award Deadlines Description and Eligibility
资金 Contact

OoR/TraCS Translational Team Science Award (TTSA)

Early Dec.
第一阶段- - - - - -
End of Feb

Support fornewsynergistic interdisciplinary teams ofbothbasic science and clinical investigators. Not restricted to human subjects and tissues; may include research using cellular and animal model systems; however the project should translate across basic and clinical disciplines.

第一阶段- - - - - -
$60k/1 year

Phase II-
$100k/year for up to 2 years

no match required for SOM teams

TraCS Pilot Funding


TraCS $2k– accessible funding to support innovative research.

TraCS $5k-$50k-serves as a stimulus for new translational clinical research initiatives aimed at obtaining sufficient preliminary data to allow new applications for extramural funding. Areas of focus include but are not limited to: Transformative Technologies, Comparative Effectiveness Research, and Drugs, Devices and Diagnostic Development

4D $5k-$50k– Special emphasis on Drugs, Devices and Diagnostics Development towards a commercial endpoint. Pre-application and invitation required for full proposals.

For all of the above, research should involve human samples and/or subjects; Biostats consultation and TraCS membership required. Any UNC faculty member is eligible ($2k awards to fellows require faculty mentor)

$5k-$50k total (requires 50% match)

$5k-$50k total (requires 50% match)

UNC Lineberger Developmental Funding Program


All Cancer Center members and UNC faculty may apply.

Tier 1 Pilot (1 PI)
Tier 2 Stimulus (1-2PIs)

Each tier accepts basic, translational and population proposals related to cancer research.

T1 $50k/1 yr
T2 $100k/1-2yrs

Center for Innovation- Health Care Innovation Awards


PI must be from UNC Healthcare or SOM

Supports Innovative care delivery models and care pathways; new technology deployments; advanced analytics; business model innovations; workforce development

up to $50k

Eshelman Institute for Innovation Awards


PIs must be ESOP employees but can include outside collaborators

Innovative and transformative research
in: basic/applied pharmaceutical sciences; health care quality, practice and policy; health sciences educational research; business processes and practices

T1 $50k
T2 $200k
T3 $750k
T4 $2M

Students/Fellows $25k

Junior Faculty Development Awards November

Full time non-tenured junior faculty are eligible. Support for research or scholarly project

Up to $7.5k to access
sakai submission site

Bridge Funding

Bridge funding applications are accepted 3 times during the academic year: October, January and May. The next round of proposals will be reviewed inJanuary 2016.